I read an article in the Lawrence (Ks.) Journal-World about Ann Coulter causing a stir in a speech at the University of Kansas. There were hecklers, of course, but Annie skewered them.
As soon as she stepped up to the microphone, Coulter fired off one zinger after another about liberalism while promising to answer questions from left-wing members in the audience who could "thrash their way to a coherent thought."Heh! I love that woman!
"I've come to find I like liberals a lot more," Coulter said early in her speech. "They're kind of cute when they're cold, shivering and afraid."
I managed to make one of Ann's talks a couple of years ago, she made hash out of one of Atlanta's finest Lib TV News personalities. Needless to say it was NOT on that channel's morning news program. It was a thing of beauty.
Works for me. But conservatives have no monopoly on thuggery, my friend. Witness the pie-ing of conservative speaker Bill Kristol. Liberals seem to be able to dish it out, but they can't take it, just as they are only in favor of free speech for themselves and not for those who disagree with them.
AND the protester who threw salad dressing on Pat Buchanan last night. Ann Coulter herself was attacked with a pie a while back. Frankly, I don't see any problems with conservative members of the audience deterring such anti-social behavior.
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