

So there's a blank white field here and nothing to write about.

I thought about writing about Ashley Smith, the brave and resourceful woman in Georgia who talked the fugitive into surrendering without further bloodshed, but you've probably seen enough about her on television. Well, maybe not. She has quite a story to tell, and seems like one impressively calm woman. I hope that they give her the $65,000 reward they were offering for information leading to the capture of Brian Nichols. She deserves it.

Then there's the Oddly Enough stories. Here's a weird one about scented bowling balls. Really. But can you ask someone to sniff your (bowling) balls without them thinking you're a pervert? Even stranger, McDonald's is thinking about using remote calling centers for drive-through orders. What the hell?! Sure, the story mentions "someone with a North Dakota accent", but we know that they'll outsource it to Apu in Mumbai, because he works cheaper than Lars in Fargo. Why would you want some foreigner whose English is problematic mangling your order? Bad idea, Mickey D's, bad idea.

As you can see, I've got nothing today.


Anonymous said...

You have to admire that woman for keeping her cool. She even made him pancakes...which I thought was very compassionate. And yes - she ought to get every last dime of any reward.

See, you ain't got nuthin.

I'm curious tho. How often do you eat McDonalds?

Clyde said...

Not very often. I'm more likely to hit Wendy's if I want a burger. I don't eat that much fast food anyway.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it. I really believe that all that stuff causes cancer. It's just SO bad. (not to mention the negative environmental impact.)

Karen Zipdrive said...

After seeing "Super Size Me" on TV the other day, I am pretty much off fast food. Plus the other night on Dateline, they did a report on health reports and cleanliness in fast food joints-
and Jack in the Box & Taco Bell scored best.
Mickie D's didn't do well at all.

Anonymous said...

After all that - I ended up running to Mickey D's for my boss yesterday. She wanted the $1.00 hamburger.

I came back with a bacon ranch grilled chicken salad and medium fries for me, she confessed ashamedly.

(is ashamedly a word?)

Karen Zipdrive said...

Honey, if you're eating baconranchgrilledchickensalads & fries, vocabulary is the least of your problems.

Anonymous said...

Cripes, don't I know it! For breakfast this morning I had a M&Mazing candy bar.

Thank you for making me laugh out loud at my desk at work.

Anonymous said...

Cripes, don't I know it! For breakfast this morning I had a M&Mazing candy bar.

Thank you for making me laugh out loud at my desk at work.