
Godspeed, Tony Snow

I was saddened when Tim Russert died several weeks ago, but when I heard the news this morning that Tony Snow had lost his battle with colon cancer at age 53, it hit me a lot harder. I didn't know Tony Snow personally, but he came into my house and talked to me frequently as a Fox News anchor and then later as White House press secretary for George W. Bush. I liked Tony, and his death feels almost like I've lost a member of the family. He always came across as a straight shooter, telling it like it was. His patience and joviality in dealing with the left-leaning White House press corps were legendary.

Just as Tim Russert was a liberal but was known for being fair to both sides of the political spectrum, Tony Snow didn't let his conservatism keep him from being fair and balanced. He was, of course, an advocate of his conservative views, and later for those of President Bush.

My condolences to his wife and children, and to all of his friends both in the media and in government. He will be missed.