

One thing I noticed while in New York was the frequency of tattoos, even on people who didn't look like bikers, sailors or porn stars. A number of the participants in the Puerto Rico Day parade on Sunday had tattoos. We saw one woman walking in front of us whose "tramp stamp" (the tattoo on the lower back) was a Puerto Rican flag and the word "Boricua." On the subway, I saw an attractive Asian woman in a red dress whose shoulder was covered in a large tattoo involving a couple of butterflies and flower vines. Tattoos, tattoos everywhere.

Speaking of which, Ashley Dupre, the hooker who took down the former governor of New York, has the Latin phrase "Tutela valui" tattooed just above her bikini line. She also has some kind of tattoo on her arm. All of the pictures on the New York Daily News web site are from the front, so no telling if she has a tramp stamp or not. The most amazing thing about those pictures is that the woman pictured with her is her mother, according to the Daily News. All I can say is that is some serious MILF action there; she looks pretty good for a woman in her 40s. She'd have to be on a pretty serious exercise program to maintain thighs like those (look at picture 6; you can see daylight between them). Good on ya, Ashley's mom! And no (visible) tattoos...